family pictures never hung up
junk art shoved into closets
no need to child proof
empty packages piled up like one night stands
stray screws with unremembered vocation
wire tangled beyond utility
it is strenuous to clean out
sort through
use what is useful, give away the rest
as a solo act
too much command, not enough cooperation
you cannot solder flesh and metal
keys are on the cabinet
would rather go hungry
beg on the streets
a bum looking for odd jobs or free bread
that is true revival
junk art shoved into closets
no need to child proof
empty packages piled up like one night stands
stray screws with unremembered vocation
wire tangled beyond utility
sort through
use what is useful, give away the rest
as a solo act
too much command, not enough cooperation
you cannot solder flesh and metal
would rather go hungry
beg on the streets
a bum looking for odd jobs or free bread
that is true revival